Sparkle and Learn ART,MINDSET Benefits of Coloring: 8 Top Ways Coloring Helps Kids

Benefits of Coloring: 8 Top Ways Coloring Helps Kids

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There are so many benefits of coloring for kids and teens. Coloring has been shown to lower levels of stress and help clear our minds. To some, it is a form of meditation. When we clear our minds of the daily stresses and worries, we allow space for what really matters and we can focus on big goals and dreams and create plans to achieve them.

8 Top Ways Coloring Helps Kids

Coloring is a wonderful quiet activity for toddlers and preschool aged children. There is a reason why restaurants provide coloring pages and crayons to diners with young children! Coloring can also keep a young child occupied for at least a few minutes during a long car ride, or while waiting for doctor or dentist appointments.

Along with the sanity saving benefits of coloring, coloring is actually a very beneficial activity for young children. Many of the skills used in coloring will transfer over to the classroom once they start school. These are just some of the ways that young children benefit from coloring in their favorite coloring book:

  • Coloring helps develop hand strength and finger grip which will go a long way in terms of printing and writing skills
  • Staying within the lines help develop fine motor skills 
  • Focusing on a coloring task for several minutes helps foster concentration and attention.
  • Coloring helps develop color awareness, and artistic expression

Benefits of Coloring for Older Children and Teens

Teens may be beyond the days when they willingly accept coloring as a time passing activity in the car or in a restaurant now that the majority of them have phones, hey, even getting them to go on a road trip or out for a family dinner might be a stretch, but that doesn’t mean that they can’t benefit from the activity in the right contexts.

  • Coloring before bedtime instead of having screen time leads to better sleep.
  • The rhythmic repetitious movement of coloring helps calm the often-anxious teen brain.
  • Coloring intricate coloring pages such as mandalas increase awareness of the present moment and help to distract from negative emotions.
  • Combining coloring with gratitude writing and goal setting can have a powerful effect.

I’ve recently started using mandala coloring books in my middle years classroom. I often use them with my class right after lunch after the excitement of recess, or I give them to students who need a calming activity. I recently created a coloring book day planner that I am using with my students. At the start of each week, students spend some time coloring, setting goals for their upcoming week and working through some positive mindset activities. Many students look forward to doing this at the start of each week.

Goal Writing Worksheet from Color Your Dreams Day Planner

Get Coloring!

Whether you are young or old, coloring is a great activity that helps calm the mind, and serves as a creative outlet. Pick up your favorite markers, and coloring books and sink deeply into the moment.

Benefits of coloring 8 Top ways coloring helps kids. Child coloring with crayons.

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